Guide for Lucene Query


It depends on the location or availability of double quotes (") or tilde (~) to serve as an operator or not. * e.g.) Proximity searches and fuzzy searches Also, if a search word is surrounded by double quotes ("), the whole surrounded part is searched as one phrase. * e.g.) body:normal AND performance * -> Search logs that contain the words, "normal" and "performance", in the body field.


  • e.g.) body:"normal AND performance"
  • ->Search logs containing the "normal AND performance" word in the body field

lcs_lucene_guide_02 * The log result is 0, since there is no text for "normal AND performance".

To use special characters for a search, enter backslash or \ ahead of a character, to process escape.
* Special characters at point: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /

Special characters (including reserved words) for URL must be encoded. * e.g.) Enter %3C for the special character, '<'.

filedname: Search Word * Search by search word for a single field name you need.

If the field name is in the format of log.type, log.time, or log.version, batch search is available as below: * e.g.) log.*:alpha

!_exists_:fieldname * Search logs that are null in the field name or do not have the field name.

_exists_:fieldname * Search logs with the non-null value in the field name.

Grammar Operations
[min TO max] Search including min, max conditions
{min TO max} Search excluding min, max conditions
{min TO max], [min TO max} Conditions included or excluded
{ TO max}, {min TO } Only min or max conditions apply
  • Conditions can be simpler as follows:
    • e.g.) fieldname:>10

Boolean Operators

Operator Significance
AND, &&, + AND Opeartor
OR\, || OR Operator
NOT, !, - NOT Operator

The NOT operator - also serves as AND NOT. * e.g.) logType:bulk -api * -> logType: Same as bulk AND NOT API

*replaces many letters.

  • e.g.) body:performance*
  • Search logs that have a body starting with performance.

? replaces only one letter. * e.g.) body:performance? * Search logs that have a body field which starts with performance and responds to only one letter.

The two wildcards, such as * and ?, can also be applied in the middle of a letter.

fiedname:"Search Word A Search Word B"~n * Search logs that have up to n words between search word A and search word B. * e.g.) body:"normal cron"~2



fieldname: Search Word A^n Search Word B * Give more weight to some search key words to get the results higher on priority. * e.g.) body:normal^2 cron * Weight can be given only with real numbers bigger than 0.

Default weight is 1.

Searching with regular expression is available.
* e.g.) To find a document including dress or press, write /[dp]ress/

fieldname: Search Word~n * Search up to n letters, which are approximately close to a search word (no more than 2). * 2 is the default number of letters. * e.g.) logSource:logncrash-logSurrce~2
